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How to solve the GraphQL n+1 problem

In this article, we will learn about the N+1 problem in GraphQL, its impact on performance, and effective strategies like data loaders and batching to overcome it.
Joanna Wallace

Joanna Wallace

Dec 20, 2022
How to solve the GraphQL n+1 problem

GraphQL is a query language and runtime to build APIs that reduces data results to only what the user requests. GraphQL uses schemas to define data inputs and responses from a single endpoint to a GraphQL runtime. The schemas allow clients to request specific information, so the responses will only include what the client needs.

In GraphQL the client specifies the data to return, but not how to fetch it from storage. Sometimes, a query could lead to unintentional, excessive backend requests. The n+1 problem is a typical example of when this can happen in GraphQL.

The n+1 problem is when multiple types of data are requested in one query, but where n requests are required instead of just one. This is typically encountered when data is nested, such as if you were requesting musicians and the names of their album titles. A list of musicians can be acquired in a single query, but to get their album titles requires at least one query per musician: one query to get n musicians, and n queries to get a list of albums for each musician. When n becomes sufficiently large, performance issues and failures can arise. This is a common situation when using GraphQL because the client has full flexibility in building the queries.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at the n+1 problem and what it looks like in practice. We'll also get an overview of efficient techniques to avoid the problem and improve performance.

#GraphQL server setup

GraphQL queries are made against a single endpoint. GraphQL servers like the Apollo Server allow the backend to define a GraphQL schema. The schema is a data model at the application layer that indicates how the client can query the database, just like a REST API contract.

When building a runtime in GraphQL, a unique resolver should be present for each discrete data type. The following example shows a sample Apollo Server setup, GraphQL schema and resolvers for different entity fields. The client can make calls against this runtime to get musician data, and also get album related data for the musician.

//Schema Definitions
const typeDefs = gql`
type Album {
id: ID!
title: String!
artistId: ID!
type Musician {
id: ID!
name: String!
albums: [Album]
type Query {
musicians: [Musician]
//Resolver definitions
const resolvers = {
Query: {
musicians: () => {
//Database/API call to get a list of musicians
return musicians;
Musician: {
albums: (musician) => {
//Input is a single musician
//Database/API call to get a list of albums for this single musician
return albums
const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, resolvers });
server.listen(3000).then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`Starting new Apollo Server at ${url}`);

#The n+1 problem in GraphQL

The client creates requests against the GraphQL server, tailored to include the information needed for display. In the server we have set up above, we have allowed clients the flexibility to request a list of musicians, and inside the musician resolver we are allowing the client to fetch associated albums per musician.

query {
musicians {
albums {

The client query above requests some musician related data and albums related data for each musician. We know how the schema and resolvers of this GraphQL server are designed, and the way the server will execute this query can lead to issues. In this case, the server will first fetch the list of musicians. Let’s say it finds n musicians in the database. For each musician found, the albums() resolver will be invoked to locate all the albums associated with that musician. This resolver will trigger a database call for each musician, which will be n calls. This means that in total, there will be n+1 database calls occurring. This is not very efficient and won’t scale after a point.

Consequences of the n+1 problem

The n+1 problem can lead to several client and server issues. The main problem is scaling, it might go unnoticed until a point, but as our application scales and n grows, the number of calls to the database or calls to the API that resolves our GraphQL fields will become unmanageable. Also, the latencies will start increasing, the product will behave inconsistently, pages without many nested calls will load quickly, while others that require nested data will be much slower. If you are using a cloud-based server like AWS or GCP to run the database, extra calls to the database will cost more in service fees and eventually all of it combined will lead to a very poor user experience. High latency reduces the ability to retain customers, and hence we should try to closely monitor it and fix the issues in our system as our application scales.

#How to solve n+1 in GraphQL

Since this is a common issue with GraphQL, there are well-established solutions for handling it. These include using Data Loaders or Batching.

Data loaders in GraphQL

Data loaders are a way to solve the n+1 problem. They can batch similar client GraphQL requests into a single query. Basically, consider them as an intermediate layer that converts multiple similar requests to a single batched request. For our case, instead of making n different requests for getting albums of each musician, data loaders will make one request send an array of musician ids and receive an array of album objects.

Internal image_ GraphQL n+1 problem.png

The implementation of data loaders depends on which version of GraphQL you are using. Some have built-in data loader functionality, like the java-dataloader for GraphQL Java.

GraphQL has a well maintained dataloader library that can be used in our GraphQL server. This utility mimics the original GraphQL calls with loaders passed to each resolver in the context value. The example below shows what the GraphQL query for musicians would look like with a data loader.

const DataLoader = require('dataloader');
// The dataloader takes in an array of musician ids and returns a promise that will return
// the album data for each musician.
const albumLoader = new DataLoader(musicianIds => {
// DB call that accepts list of musicianIds.
return databaseCall(musicianIds)
// OR it can be an API call that accepts a list of musicianIds.
return apiCall(musicianIds)
// Add the data loader to context
const context = async () => {
const loaders = {
album: albumLoader(musicianIds),
// Create more loaders for other data that is nested in your schema
return loaders;
// Use this context in the Apollo Server definition to pass to each resolver when executed.

Once the data loader is set up and available in the context, the resolver should be updated to use that loader. The loader is only triggered once, for the list of musicians fetched, so the number of DB / API calls will be reduced to two.

//Resolver definition
const resolvers = {
Query: {
// Destructure data loader from context.
musicians: (_, args, { loaders }) => {
//Database/API call to get a list of musicians
return loaders.album(musicians.map(thisMusician => thisMusician.id));

Batching in GraphQL

Batching in GraphQL is an expansion of the data loader concept discussed in the previous section. Essentially, batching libraries provide ways to ensure that nested data is retrieved with fewer queries by defining how to group and load similar data. Note that the main GraphQL library also supports batch execution, which is a different concept about invoking multiple resolvers at once.

Promises are the key to how batching works in GraphQL. The request executes the appropriate resolver first, and tries to resolve all the requested fields. Where batch loaders are specified, the data is resolved as a promise. GraphQL Batch can then iterate through grouped data identifiers to fulfill the promises together by retrieving data with as few calls as the batch loader will allow.

There are many batch loaders to choose from, implemented in different languages. Choose the appropriate tool based on the language your client or server are implemented in. For those using Ruby, Shopify has produced an open source plugin to use. Ruby users could also use this popular open source plugin, while Javascript users can use an open source library.

Using the Shopify Ruby batching plugin, we can implement a batch loader on the server side.

First, define a custom loader that will be used to group database calls:

class AlbumLoader < GraphQL::Batch::Loader
def initialize(model)
@model = model
def perform(ids)
@model.where(id: ids).each { |album| fulfill(album.id,album) }
ids.each { |id| fulfill(id, nil) unless fulfilled?(id) }

Next, apply the batching plugin to the GraphQL schema. It is advised that the plugin be defined after mutations so the batching can extend mutation fields and allow for cache clearing.

class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
query MyQueryType
mutation MyMutationType
use GraphQL::Batch

Finally, use the batch loader class in the resolver with grouped identifiers to get a batch of nested data:

field :musician, Types::Musician, null: true do
argument :id, ID, required: true
def musician(id:)


In this article, we have learned what is the n+1 problem in GraphQL and how the extra DB/API calls are not scalable and can lead to a poor user experience. GraphQL provides several options to streamline this issue like data loaders and batching which can be built directly into our server. If you want to use GraphQL for your application without having to build the entire server side from scratch, consider using Hygraph, a headless server that can host your data and provide you with a ready to use GraphQL API out of the box.

Blog Author

Joanna Wallace

Joanna Wallace

Joanna Wallace is an electronics and software engineer from Vancouver, BC. She holds Bachelor's degrees in both Cognitive Systems (BSc, UBC) and Electrical Engineering (BEng, BCIT). She has worked for several startups in the Greater Vancouver area, helping them progress from initial concept to production-ready offerings.

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