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Cover image for Building a content loader with Hygraph for Astro.js

Building a content loader with Hygraph for Astro.js

Aug 21, 2024 | 14:00, an hour

In version 4.14, Astro.js launched their new Content Layer API. The goal of this API is to speed up performance of build processes within Astro by streamlining the fetching of Content. In this livestream, Bryan Robinson will explore the new API and create a custom loader for Hygraph content that utilizes these new API hooks.

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Cover image for Introducing Live Preview by Bryan Robinson

Introducing Live Preview by Bryan Robinson

Aug 14, 2024 | 14:00, an hour

To boost editors' confidence and productivity, we recently launched Live Preview for Hygraph Studio, a feature that enables you to edit and preview content side-by-side in one smooth workflow.

In this live session, Bryan Robinson will walk attendees through the new feature, how to set it up in Hygraph and how to adjust your site or app to get it up and running.

Read more here:
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