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Hasura Fit: Setting up the Auth Flow
In this part of our tutorial, we’ll be adding the authentication layer to our web app which lets us leverage the power of Auth0 and their social sign-on ecosystem of tooling to let us, onboard users, quickly and easily.
Hasura Fit: Setting up Hygraph
In this portion of the multi-part tutorial, we’ll be creating our data model that acts primarily as our product information manager. Since the product being offered is a complex content structure at the end of the day, Hygraph is the perfect tool for this job.
Hasura Fit: Complete Guide / Start Here
This is a multi-part tutorial on creating a fitness app with modern web-technologies. It utilises user accounts (Auth0), User data (Hasura), Editorial content (Hygraph), serverless functions (Vercel) and the popular React framework NextJs (also hosted on Vercel).
Video: Working with MDX and Hygraph
Supercharge your markdown with MDX! Use MDX with Hygraph RichText fields in Gatsby! We'll use the new `gatsby-source-hygraph` plugin to build a Hygraph powered MDX blog from scratch.
What is a Microservice led Tech Stack?
How teams can create microservice architectures that will boost productivity and performance
Product Update: July 2020
Introducing Migration Tools, Preview URLs, Field Validations, and some updates from the community!
What is structured content?
Structured content is content that is planned, developed, and connected outside of a presentation interface so that it's ready to be consumed by any interface.
Create, Update, Delete, and Publish Content with GraphQL Mutations
Whether you're building a static website, eCommerce store, Content Hub, or Mobile App, Hygraph powered GraphQL Mutations will bring your project to life.
Build a Workout Tracker with Hygraph, Auth0 and Hasura
Warning, things are about to get meshy. Learn how to merge multiple GraphQL schema's together with Hasura's remote schema joins in this reference fitness app. We'll throw in user authenticated, too, just for fun.
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