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Connect your Hygraph project to Ninetailed

With this app you can add custom personalization rules to any content on your Hygraph projects, which will enrich data on Ninetailed.

The integration enables users to reap the benefits of the powerful content management and personalization capabilities from within a single UI. Building individualized experiences for users that match specifically tailored content is quick and easy with the integration.

The Ninetailed Hygraph app enables users to access Ninetailed personalization features from within the Hygraph UI. Image credit: NinetailedThe Ninetailed Hygraph app enables users to access Ninetailed personalization features from within the Hygraph UI. Image credit: Ninetailed

#What you can do with the Hygraph-Ninetailed integration

  • Add custom personalization rules to any content on your Hygraph projects, which will enrich data on Ninetailed.
  • Create custom audiences without leaving Hygraph UI

#Prerequisites to use this integration

#How it works

#Step 1) Install the Ninetailed app on your project

Click here to install Ninetailed app on Hygraph. Select which project you want to install the app in, then click on Add App.

Install Ninetailed app on your projectInstall Ninetailed app on your project

#Step 2) Connect Hygraph to Ninetailed

Click on the Connect button. You should be redirected to Ninetailed platform and follow the instructions there.

Connect Hygraph to NinetailedConnect Hygraph to Ninetailed

#Step 3) Create Your Hygraph token

Follow these steps on Ninetailed docs. Once you've finished, continue to the next steps.

#Step 4) Add Hygraph Token

Copy the token generated in Step 3 and paste it into the API Key field. Then, click on the Set Hygraph Token button to save it.

Add Hygraph TokenAdd Hygraph Token

#Step 5) Choose the Models you want to personalize with Ninetailed

Here, you should select which models you would like Ninetailed to personalize content for. After enabling, click on the Personalize Content Types button.

Choose Models to personalize contentChoose Models to personalize content

#Next Steps